May 3, 2012

A Rosetta Stone for the Indus Script

In Canada, May is designated as Asian Heritage Month. This month was chosen because of the arrival in the Americas (Guyana and Trinidad) of the first people from the Indian sub-continent in May, 1838. In honour of the occasion, we present this important TED talk by Rajesh Rao on the Indus Valley Civilisation.  

Rajesh Rao is fascinated by "the mother of all crossword puzzles": How to decipher the 4000 year old Indus script. At TED 2011 he tells how he is enlisting modern computational techniques to read the Indus language, the key piece to understanding this ancient civilization. Rao seeks to understand the human brain through computational modeling, on two fronts: developing computer models of our minds, and using tech to decipher the 4,000-year-old script of the Indus valley civilization.

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